Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 4 La Paz, Mexico (part 2 of 2)

Here are the rest of the photos showing the natural and scenic beauty we experienced today.  Magnificent day!!!!



  1. Hi Jeff, I loved your choice of subjects - from flowers to sea life to fantastic geology.
    It will be good to see you back on the Amsterdam. Your gift to everyone is ongoing and much appreciated.
    Barry Smythe

  2. Jeff,

    We remember 'some' of the beautiful places you are visiting for the 1001 time........again (Ha-Ha).....THANK YOU for the WONDERFUL adventure you have taken Ann and I on! (Ditto to the above post)

    A & M

  3. LaPaz, both part 1 and 2, were some of the best pictures you've ever taken, and I've been enjoying your blog for over 18 months. I've been to this area of Mexico, but must say these pictures make me want to return and see more of what I missed. I hope this couple of week hiatus from your beloved ms Amersterdam proves to be as lovely for you as it is for us, your blog fans.
