Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Kralendijk, Bonaire...

Another early morning sail into the port of Kralendijk, Bonaire.  Passing Klein Bonaire, an island off the main island of Bonaire had some wicked clouds hanging over it…I didn’t know what the day would bring weather wise. Bonaire is the B in the island trio known as ABC - Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao. Cathy and I got of the ship as soon as it had cleared Customs and we made our way to the town square and then walked along the waterfront towards Eden beach. Our purpose today was to see the flamingos at Goto Meer, Bonaire’s landlocked saltwater lake. There were plenty of flamingos and other birds to get my attention. We took a break at Eden Beach Resort before heading back to town a different route. Today, the iguanas were in scarce supply but there was a lot a street art to fill the blog. On the main shopping street, we checked out a number of stores and stopped at the town square where a local was preparing Indonesian food…the crew were lined up to have their lunch. On our return to the ship, we relaxed for the remainder of the day in the Retreat! It was a lovely day in Bonaire, one brief shower in the morning but otherwise a picture-perfect day!

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