Monday, November 15, 2021

San Diego, California....

And so it goes…  One voyage ends and another begins.  Life is good here on the Koningsdam!  Loving every day….  The officers and crew are just amazing and the service impeccable.  Today, Ann, Cathy & I decided to forgo going ashore in San Diego and just hang out in the Retreat.  The weather was just spectacular.  Mike & Pauline now have a Cabana next to ours so we are building a little neighborhood of friends.  Leslie and Handler stopped by for a visit which was nice.  In the evening we dined with them in the Tamarind Restaurant which was a huge success.  Our friends Henk & Lucia Barnhoorn boarded the ship today and stopped by for a visit.  We will have dinner with them tomorrow night in Rudi’s Sel de Mer.  It was a lovely day, nice sail away and amazing dinner with friends….  It just keeps getting better!

1 comment:

  1. Good to see Henk and Lucia. Always a smile on their faces.
