Sunday, November 17, 2019

Volendam Adventure, Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas, USVI

I was up early for sail-in to capture the essence of the beautiful Charlotte Amalie Harbor. The ship docked at Havensight, directly behind the ms Veendam. The Havensight Mall area is convenient shopping location across from downtown. Ann, Cathy and I got off the ship first thing and walked into downtown Charlotte Amalie and back to the ship. Being a Sunday morning, things were not quite awake when we arrived downtown, so we had a drink and some computer time. There is a major revitalization project along the Veteran Drive waterfront and the Main Street shopping area and will be very nice when the projects are completed. We returned to the ship early as Ann was not feeling well and suffered from dehydration.  She is still getting used to the heat. I spent the afternoon at the pool. Tonight, is Orange Party Night... looking forward to the festivities in the Ocean Bar, if I can stay up that late….

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and following your adventures. You and several other solo bloggers have inspired me to give it a try. Leaving on the Eurodam in two weeks. First time on HAL and first time solo!
