Friday, June 14, 2024

Oosterdam European Adventure, Portofino, Italy...

I got up in the wee hours of the morning to catch the beauty of Portofino and the surrounding area as we sailed to our anchorage…  The weather forecasts were pretty sketchy with rain expected for most of the day.  As it turns out, that wasn’t to be our biggest challenge.  High winds and huge swells, ultimately, led to our demise…  The conditions were just not suitable for tender operations… Too dangerous!  So, aside from seeing some beautiful scenery, we had to leave without visiting Portofino.  Such a shame, it’s a beautiful place.  As we sailed away, heading to Livorno, I tried my best to relax in the sun but…  little sun and high winds made it pretty chilly for the most part.  I did manage to get a bit of sun, so it was a pretty good day…

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