Monday, May 20, 2024

Oosterdam European Adventure, Mykonos, Greece...

Today we called on Mykonos, a beautiful island that I first visited back in 1974…  Oh, to be that young again! ship was parked in the New Port and it was our intent to take the Sea Bus to the Old Port…the ticket booth did open till later, so we took a taxi to the Old Town.  We walked the length of the harbor front making our way to the Windmills. Around the western tip of the Old Harbor we weaved our way through the gorgeous arteries of narrow alleys with the brilliant white painted houses…Little Venice is its nickname, where restaurants open on to a narrow path above the Aegean Sea. With good planning, we arrived at the windmills without the crowds. The windmills were built by the Venetians in the 16th century and are situated to the north to catch the prevailing wind. They were built close to the harbor to mill grain offloaded from ships. Next, we explored Mykonos Town at a relaxed pace without the crowds wandering the twisting, narrow streets, window shopping, there are hundreds of stores, from souvenir shops to high-end designer boutiques, and everything in between. We stopped for coffee at the Vergera Cafe before returning to the ship via the Sea Bus…Taking the water taxi to the New Port allowed us the opportunity to see old town from the water side. It was an extremely windy day in Mykonos…once back on the ship, I was able to secure a sheltered corner to enjoy the sun. The Island of the Winds is a truly beautiful spot and makes Mykonos one of a kind. Great day!

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