Saturday, May 4, 2024

2024 Balkans Overland Adventure, The road to Kotor, Montenegro...

Once we crossed the border into Montenegro the natural beauty that we experienced on our drive from Sarajevo…  The views of Kotor Bay were magnificent, too bad I wasn’t able to get out and snap a few shots.  We final arrived Kotor late afternoon and found our hotel.  The oldest town in Montenegro, Kotor is now a state-protected historical monument. We are staying inside the walled city at the Villa Duomo Hotel. Villa Duomo, once one of the finest noble homes of its time has been transformed in to a luxury hotel, is quietly located in the very heart of Kotor.  Kotor, one of the best-preserved Medieval towns on the Mediterranean.  We checked in to the hotel and went out exploring, it was raining but that did not deter us from wandering the many alley ways, taking a few photos and just by luck, ended up back at our hotel.  Another long day of touring and travel but well worth it….

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