Friday, May 17, 2024

Oosterdam European Adventure, Limassol, Cyprus...

 I was excited this morning as it was my first time in Cyprus. We arrived in Limassol, a big city with interesting in high rise buildings. We were picked up by our guide Cemaliye and were off to see the island. Our plans today included a trip to both the Turkish and Greek sides of the island. We drove along the Troodos Mountains towards Nicosia. We crossed the border from the Greek side of Cyprus into the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the northern or Turkish side of the city of Nicosia. Nicosia is the last capital in the world to still be divided militarily. Crossing the border, we could see the military guards in the lookout towers keeping watch on the Green line or the UN Buffer Zone that divides the old city of Nicosia into two. North of the green line lies the Turkish old town where the city’s mosques, baths and markets are mostly located. Once we crossed the border our guide parked the car in the old town. We walked around the cobbled streets and visited the Buyuk Han, originally an inn for merchants and other travelers, set around a central courtyard in the middle of which is a masjid, or small mosque. This Buyuk Han was two stories in height and has been beautifully restored. Unfortunately, St. Sophia’s Cathedral, the original Christian building, was under renovation, fenced off and covered in a shroud of scaffolding so we could not visit inside the church or see the hybrid of Christian church turned into an Islamic Mosque. From here we walked to the Covered Market built by the British in the 1930’s. We continued our meandering around the Turkish Old Town and came upon the Ledra Palace Gate, the pedestrian checkpoint. In 2003, the border opened up in Nicosia, reconciling the city once more. Leaving Nicosia, we drove to the north coast and a made a stop at St. Hilarion Castle. Perched high in the Kyrenia mountain range, overlooking the Mediterranean and the surrounding areas of North Cyprus. Reputedly the inspiration for Walt Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty', the castle remains one of the best preserved of all the Crusader Castles. The panoramic view from the Queen’s window was well worth the climb. Next, we made our way down to sea level to the city of Kyrenia. We parked just near the Kyrenia Castle…Kyrenia Castle has stood guard over the important and strategic North Cyprus port of Kyrenia since the 1500s. We entered the harbor at the Venetian tower. What a pleasant surprise, Kyrenia harbor is surrounded by boats, restaurants and shops that have been developed from buildings that were once Venetian dwellings or warehouses…In the time we had in Kyrenia, I was able to walk the entire harbor front…a great stop! Leaving the gorgeous Kyrenia port area, we climbed to Bellapais an old-fashioned village nestled in the hills. Although the village is incredibly picturesque itself, the main sight is Bellapais Abbey, an old Augustinian monastery full of intricately carved arches and cypress trees surrounding its cloister. Despite being more than 700 years old, Bellapais Abbey is remarkably well preserved. We had a good day with a lot of driving…the weather was wonderful; everything was new to us… Tomorrow we have a well-deserved day at sea…rest and sun time!

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