Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 124 Nuka Hiva, French Polynesia (Part 1 of 3)

Went ashore this morning on the first tender with Brad, Cathy & Ann.  Our plan was to explore the town and have a nice relaxing day.  The sail into the anchorage was just magnificent.  This is perhaps the most photos I have ever posted that were taken during the sail into a port.  What can I say?  Nuka Hive is lush, green and magnificent…  just beautiful.  We spent 5 or 6 hours ashore before heading back to the ship,  We covered, I believe, all the highlights of the city including all the carved stone structures which originated a long time ago in Easter Island….  So today, I offer up a lot of photos of one very beautiful island.  Here is just the first part….



  1. Looks even lovelier than I recall
    So looking forward to my revisit next October and meantime to seeing more pics from a superb photographer ! !
