Friday, January 9, 2015

Day 111 Santa Marta, Colombia (Part 1 of 2)

Santa Marta Colombia!  Didn’t know what to make of this port before arival but now…  I loved it!  Brad, Ann & I left the ship this morning around 0730 to explore the town…  Bolivae Square, the Cathedral, beach etc….  What we found, as we went way off the beaten track, was a bunch of wonderful people and some unbelivable markets.  That is the best place to see people going about their daily lives. We also came across some Good Samaritins who warned us about the areas we were visiting.  Having said that, at no time did I feel unsafe.  The people, as I said, were wonderful.  The visit to Santa Marta was just magnificent!



  1. Santa Marta looks very nice! What I noticed most in your pics was how clean the streets were, so unlike many of the other Caribbean stops. Other than in the market, where you expect some litter, there seemed to be very little,or none, in the gutters or on the ground.
