Thursday, November 10, 2016

Tales of the South Pacific, Day 46, Taiohae, Nuka Hiva, French Polynesia (Part 2 of 2)

What a perfect day!  Sunny, hot, with a nice breeze….  The sail into the harbor of Taiohae was spectacular, the rugged mountains and cliffs make for a dramatic entrance.  Today, I was going to do something a bit different for me for visiting Nuku Hiva, climb up the trails to Sentinelle, a fabulous climb with a big reward at the end.   The views from Sentinelle are some of the beat views I have seen on all my visits to Nuku Hiva, just a magnificent trek….  Then it was back to town to check out the carvings in the Nuku Hiva “Open Air” museum, it’s amazing these beautiful old sculptures remain out in the open.  Then I capped off the vist to the church, a rather unique and beautiful place of whorship.  It turned out the be a wonderful last port for this “Tales of the South Pacific” voyage…  It has been a great one!  Now we have 7 days at sea to relax as I get ready for the 17 day Circle Hawaii Voyage…..  The “Sisters” will be joining in San Diego….  Should be fun!  This blog is in two parts, this is part two.



  1. Super and highly enjoyable blog for this cruise. Glad to see the sisters will be joining you. Now, no excuses: photos of Gala Nights will be appreciated!

  2. That was one hell of a trail, very inviting, makes us want to join you. Thanks for the great people photos....Beachlady

  3. If anyone love to meet hills, nature and some old beautiful culture then he should go Taiohae, Nuka Hiva. I was there for about six months with my wife and 2 years old child. Nice day was passed there, Unforgettable.
