Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 2 At Sea

Here we are sailing along in the North Pacific on our way to Kushiro, Japan…..  It’s quite a long journey, almost 4000 nautical miles.  It will be 8 days of sailing, that’s a lot of days at sea.  I believe we gain an hour each day as well.  I’ll be waking up in the middle of the night by the time we reach Japan.  As for our first day at sea…  it was fabulous!!!!  I sat out in the sun for 5-6 hours and then went for a nice long walk to get some exercise.  So far I am loving being back on board the ms Amsterdam.  It is wonderful to see my friends again.  As for the next seven days at sea….  well that’s a different story…  We are expecting some rougher weather and bigger seas….  Could be some rocking and rolling.  I sleep so well when the ship is bouncing all over the place.  It’s like a mother rocking a baby to sleep.  Don’t know when I’ll get a bit of sun again…  maybe I’ll sneak a little here and there along the way….

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